About The Header Picture

This lovely picture is cropped from my 18 year old’s original art. She painted this picture when she was 15 & 1/2- It was in the art show at her high school that year & is actually an 11 by 14 picture very heavy on the stormy ocean & sky- the woman with the lantern is incidental in the original picture to tell you the truth!

Ms 18’s art skills are amazing to me. I’m ok at crafts but actually painting something & having it come out even marginally close to what I envisioned is not something I have happen often. Which I why I stick to crafts- straight lines & stylized things.

Originally I had thought to change this occasionally but I love this so much I can’t bear to give it up.

4 thoughts on “About The Header Picture

  1. I love this picture too. Thank you for sharing it. If I may, I’d like to write a poem using this picture as inspiration. There is a lot of emotion stored up within the frame.

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